This revolutionary new module will allay even the most insecure and paranoid onstage talent. Designed to provide a visual indication of the amount of the talent in question with respect to the rest of the system, other performers, and the world, the J-Type Diva Module equips the production engineer and sound designer with a great number of ego-soothing options. Three phases of Me-ness can be activated through the use of large illuminated pushbutton switches located at the top of the module. We recommend starting off at the "Me" level before accommodating the "More" and "Even More" functions. Dual meters provide visual indication of Me to Stage and Me to House, while newly-developed reverse-logarithmic faders provide up to 30dB of additional Me gain. Further down the module, the Me filter replicates functions of expensive vocal processing equipment but trims down the functions to two parameters: gain and spread. Invite your self-indulgent performer to the desk to adjust the controls him- or herself for a trip down his or her psychoacoustic memory lane. Assignments for Me are provided at the bottom of the module; all subgroups, all matrices, all auxiliary outpus, and all channels can be selected. A newly designed dual-throw perceptual-encoding level meter is provided at the bottom to quantify "Not Enough Me" and "Too Much Them." The green point at the center represents the temperate Me zone. Thanks to Christopher Kemp for this one-