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Integrated Database Solution for Theatrical Sound Design
Developed by Kai Harada


(1) Show Information

The first file in the solution, (1) Show Information is your main menu to the rest of the solution. Your basic show information, such as names, logos, addresses, and contacts, are tracked in this file. Certain global preferences affecting the operation of the entire solution can be set in this file.

(2) Mult Summary

(2) Mult Summary tracks your multicable trunks. Standard US-based sizes and configurations for audio, video, and loudspeaker multicable are built-in, but feel free to edit the value lists as you see fit. The file will print your multicable order for the shop, will print labels for the cables, and will track the progress of pulling-testing-labling-bundling.

(3) Mult Detail

(3) Mult Detail tracks the individual pairs of each multicable entered in "(2) Mult Summary." The file can automatically duplicate multicable pairs, construct a "return" multi from a "send" multi, double-check the consistency of the pair assignments, generate a text-based signal flow, and, of course, print labels for the multicable tails.

(4) Cable & Bundles

(4) Cable & Bundles uses information from "(2) Mult Summary" to construct bundles of audio cables, and adds single cables to the equation. It is in this file that one can construct a final cable list to send to the shop, and effectively manage the data whilst in shop preparation. Bundling instructions for the shop and a real-time software-based checklist are also included in this file... and, of course, labels can be printed.

(5) Equipment Tracker

(5) Equipment Tracker maintains your equipment list. You can generate your original shop list via this file, and any subsequent adds, deletes, or repairs will be logged so you can keep on top of your equipment. The file will also track the location of the equipment when boxed and the specified use for a given piece of equipment. Forms are included to efficiently request, return, and repair equipment.

(6) Equipment Settings

(6) Equipment Settings is a repository of amplifier, equalizer, delay, compressor, processor, and reverb unit settings. Equalizer settings are based on a five-band parametric equalizer; actual knob positions appear in graphical form for easy recall. Graphic equalizers, digital equalizers and dynamics processors, and all that sort of thing are soon forthcoming!

(7) Sound Notes

(7) Sound Notes merely tracks notes given to, from, and within the sound department of a given show.

(8) Cues and Routing

(8) Cues and Routing was originally designed to complement a Cadac J-Type mixing desk running the Cadac CGC software. Because the DOS software did not implement certain printing or off-line tracking functions, it was necessary to track this information on a separate computer. This file will track fader position (up to 120 motor faders are supported), DC Master displays, MIDI data, Events, and Router information on a per-cue basis. We have since integrated simpler "cue-building" and "cue-tracking" functions for more playback-oriented shows.

(9) Console Settings

(9) Console Settings aids in setting up your Cadac frames and provides you with a number of different layouts and lists to track specific information about your desk. When using the Cadac CGC software and remapping desk layouts, the file can print direct replicas of what your maps should be. As the show progresses through production, entry windows to store individual module data (buttons, knob position) are provided for easy recall at a later date. This file will also print a variety of different labels which you may want to affix to your Cadac. MORE CONSOLES ON THE WAY!

(a) RF Frequencies

(a) RF Frequencies merely tracks all of your RF equipment. In the future, we are planning to integrate some sort of intermodulation-calculation feature which would aid in frequency coordination on tour.

(b) RF Notes

(b) RF Notes tracks all RF particulars- character name, actor, measurements, dressing room, microphone type, microphone rigging, and integrates a scene-breakdown function which provides you and your crew with a microphone flow. The scene-breakdown function also expedites other data-entry functions in related files.

(c) RF Cues

(c) RF Cues takes information from RF Notes, staff from Show Information, and compiles easy-to-understand cue sheets for backstage personnel.

(e) Equipment Library

Still in its infancy, (e) Equipment Library will provide a master list of audio equipment that (5) Equipment Tracker and (g) Rack Drawings can address.

(g) Rack Drawings

This file can draw basic rack drawings based on equipment in (5) Equipment Tracker and provides a handy patch sheet related to (3) Mult Detail. However, we stress the word "basic." Custom connector panels, strange equipment, and all that sort of thing are in the works; this file is not ready for public use but we're going to include it anyway.

(h) Staffing & Contacts

(h) Staffing & Contacts tracks exactly that— provides a contact list. You can import from any tab-delimited text file. In the future, it will provide a home base for any staff selections made in other files. But not yet. Again, this isn't ready for the prime-time, but maybe you'll find it useful.

(i) Payroll

Although we have yet to implement all the nasty IATSE rules governing overtime, meal penalties, and sixths, (i) Payroll can at least print out nice-looking forms to send to company managers as necessary. Play with it. Then let us know what you want.

(j) Box Lists

(j) Box Lists can track packing of road boxes and equipment cases for your tour, and print nice labels for the boxes themselves. Why should lighting have all the fun? Eventually, highfalutin' search functions will enhance its effectiveness. But play with it. Have some fun.
(z) Correspondence
(z) Correspondence includes layouts for faxes and memos to and from anyone in the department. Why bother using a word-processor program when everything can be logged in the ShowTracker solution? New features include petty cash forms and invoice forms for those one-offs.

Last updated: 03.10.2003 KH

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