Integrated Database Solution for Theatrical Sound Design
Developed by Kai Harada
The ShowTracker Integrated Database Solution is a set of FileMaker Pro files designed to aid production sound engineers, assistant/associate sound designers, and pretty much anyone else involved in the sound design process of a typical Broadway or West End musical by tracking and attending to the petty details of paperwork without repetitive and arduous data-entry. ShowTracker records information on a per-show basis, tracking master equipment lists, sound effects, cables and bundles, RF microphones, mixing console set-up and settings, equipment settings, notes, staffing, boxes, and other feature via twelve interconnected files. Templates and scripts abound in order to effectively produce clear lists, data sheets, and printed labels for just about any facet of the design. Many designers and associates have, over the years, constructed their own templates in database and spreadsheet applications. However, only a handful have produced a solution with the intent to be as globally appealing as possible. This solution has been developed over the better part of eight years in the hopes that we, too, can offer this as a viable solution to the neverending stack of paperwork. Why repeat data-entry commands in different applications just to change the length of a bundle? Why waste precious labeling tape on cables and breakouts when standard address labels can be fed en masse into your printer? Why scratch up your multi-million dollar mixing console with pencil markings when you can track all the knob positions on the computer?
Last updated: 26.09.2003
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